Title of Initiative / Project
Module of biology "Professional development of biology teachers"
Name of Organiser
University of Latvia
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Title of the project
Teachers' of general subjects competence enhancement involved in vocational education
State Education Development Agency
Project number
Type of deliverables
Online course
Language of the deliverable
Description of the initiative
The project aims to provide vocational education involved in the general education subjects teachers, heads of institutions and their deputy general, including foreign languages and ICT, and specific areas of expertise increases, creating support materials and approbating them learning management system Moodle. The project will develop support materials for comprehensive subjects, made of these materials approbation of teachers professional development courses. Approval process will be used for E-learning and e-learning as one of the most important innovations in ICT in education. The project will be developed in Latvian University, established productive automated evaluation of students' knowledge and self-test system tests to be used for vocational education students knowledge assessment.
More Information
Within the project there is created Online course in subject "Biology". The aim is to promote professional development for teachers. It is necessary to improve teaching methods and materials for teaching.
In this site you can find online course in biology:
This online course is good resource for use in the classroom. Online course consists of sections in different themes of biology. There are also tests. Materials are comprehensive.
Materials are in Latvian language and useful for teachers in schools of Latvia.
Teachers’ Opinion
Complete material in biology. I can use it in theclassroom. There are materials, tasks and tests for each theme. After theoretical part of the lesson I can use task and after to test my students by created tests. Therefore I do not have to make my own material.
Students’ Opinion
The materials are available online. Therefore I can study at home. Materials are organised in sections for each theme. I can also use tests to find out my success in the current theme of biology.
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