Title of Initiative / Project
Name of Organiser
Museo delle Scienze in Trento
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Type of deliverables
Video, Didactical resource
Language of the deliverable
Italian, English
Description of the initiative
The I-CLEEN project takes inspiration by an educational resources model called "Open Educational Resources" (O.E.R.) with which it shares the common feature to be open in the use, the distribution, and the modification.
The core of the I-CLEEN project is the database of resources (most of all OER), enriched by a teachers' team composing the editorial staff, which fulfills criteria and rules previously established according to international standards.
I-CLEEN prefers the use of free knowledge sharing tools. That is why both LifeRay and all the adopted and suggested technologic tools belong to the Open Source Software family, when possible.
The I-CLEEN project database contains educational resources useful to anybody willing to realize an interactive lesson about Climate and Energy themes.
However, the range of contents is much wider than that, as it can be seen in the topics organization, and makes reference to the ESS (Earth System Sciences).
The resources database was created to connect with other similar databases, composed by educational resources. For this purpose, it fulfils the standards established by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
The database is managed by a web platform that also allows to do the editing, to administrate the users and design the web pages in just one web environment.
This software is called LifeRay, is open-source and has been personalized and implemented purposely for the I-CLEEN project by the Ymir srl firm in Trento.
Teachers’ Opinion
This website contains a very wide archive. The material available and, above all, the laboratory experiences provide the pupils with specific and useful competences.
The didactic resources can be directly used in class, but they need an appropriate preparation.
The availability of the teachers’ and pupils’ sheet is a strenght of this portal.
The high level of the resources becomes a weakness because they cannot be used in all classes.
Students’ Opinion
Strengths: this website is very much interesting and exciting.
Weaknesses: some topics are hard to understand because of their high level of scientific knowledge required.
The website has a good accessibility, but it is not too much attractive.
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