Title of Initiative / Project
A statistic and scientific research on biodiversity
Name of Organiser
Ies Manuel De Falla
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
LLP Comenius multilateral partnerships
Title of the project
A Statistic and Scientific Research on Biodiversity
Ies Manuel De Falla
Project number
Type of deliverables
Didactical resource
Thematic area
Maths, ICT, Science
Language of the deliverable
Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Other non EU
Description of the initiative
The context
In recent years , teacher have witnessed, among students, a growing lack of interest towards scientific areas that, inevitable, leads to avoid these subjects, especially Science and Maths, generally perceived as being difficult. “Our Biodiversity” is a project that aims to contribute to a change in perception by promoting a positive approach to science via a real research situation . Teachers and students will be fundamental elements in the process via the development of learning experiences, which incorporate among other strategies, the use of new technologies (including ICT – Information and Communication Technologies), real scientific situations, field trips in order to collect real information. The whole project will be based on continuous collaborative work within each school and the European partnership that will result in workshops, presentations and peer teaching, conducted mainly by students. To increase the value of this partnership, partners will promote training sessions for one another, which will be put in practice and tested during the project.
The activities
make a Biodictionary, field trips in each partner, make a magazine, training sessions.
The aims
# Promote a positive attitude towards Science and Maths.
# Raise awareness of the relevance of Science and Maths in everyday life.
# Share and discuss best practice in Science and Maths teaching and learning.
# Develop innovative strategies and resources, including the use of new technologies.
# Encourage a responsible attitude towards the environment at a local, national and global level
# Develop an understanding of, and respect for, other cultures.
# Improve the use of new technologies.
# Develop a real research experience.
# Be aware of the biodiversity.
# Recognize the role of the statistic in research.
# Use a statistical knowledge to analyze and interpret the results.
# Build a statistical model to facilitate the study of environment.
The results achieved
The results of the project will be available on a common website, regularly updated. The materials and strategies developed during the partnership will be compiled in a booklet, which can be published and disseminated to others. Some of this results are:
A web page with general vision over the project.
A biodictionary
Surveys of teachers and students about the student's motivation in the study of science. Analysis of the results obtained.
A facebook page
Teachers’ Opinion
The resources available are, in my opinion, still incomplete. There are some good ideas, similar to other projects, but is difficult to use the resources in class. The web page is difficult to use and you have to explore entire to find something interesting or to know exactly what they are doing.
The facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/590865800974234/ seems to be more active than the web. They are doing a hard work and I hope they will expose some documentation and teachers guides.
Students’ Opinion
I visited the facebook group and everything they do seems fun. They are doing trips to the field, travels to other countries and experimenting with nature and maths.
I like maths, but I know some of my friends not. This initiatives can make maths more interesting for us. The web page is ugly and difficult to use, but it is not important, because everyone today uses facebook.
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Date: 2015.02.16
Posted by Māra (Latvia)
It is really useful because children learn by touching and seeing the real objects. Field trips stimulate their interests in the nature and help their education in science. It also helps forming a healthy lifestyle.