Lifelong Learning Programme

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Relevant initiatives

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Title of Initiative / Project
COSMOS: An advanced scientific repository for science teaching and learning
Name of Organiser
International Environment and Quality Services S.A.
Start and ending date of the Initiative
Was the initiative carried out in the framework of a funded project?
Funding Programme
eContent plus
Title of the project
COSMOS: An Advanced Scientific Repository for Science Teaching and Learning
QInternational Environment and Quality Services S.A.
Project number
eContentplus – 2006 – 41002
Type of deliverables
Online course, Teaching Methodology, Video, Didactical resource
Thematic area
Language of the deliverable
Bulgarian, Other EU, English, Other non EU
Target Group
Teachers, Students
Description of the initiative
The main objectives of the COSMOS project are:
• The deployment of a Web Repository of educational content
using multilingual vocabularies that will facilitate end-users’
search, retrieval, access and use of both scientific an educational resources. This will be achieved through the
unification of the existing educational tools and on-line
materials for science teaching.
• The development of a methodology for designing, expressing
and representing educational practices in a commonly
understandable way.
• To integrate a complete set of tools, namely the COSMOS Tool-
box, supporting all stages of the chain: creation, publication,
discovery, acquisition, access, and use of Science Educational
he development and validation of a series of innovative
Educational Scenarios of the use of the digital resources
according to the designed organization of the knowledge
• The development of a systematic validation methodology in
order to identify the impact of the proposed approach in terms
of the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process
• To contribute to the development of a new generation of
citizens who are scientifically literate and thus better prepared
to function in a world that is increasingly influenced by science
and technology.
More Information
The experimental lab of the COSMOS project offers many possibilities for teachers and students to teach and learn science. The COSMOS Repository contains educational material in the form of educational content (photos, videos, animations, exercises, graphs, links) and of learning activities (structured lesson plans organized according to specific pedagogical models such as inquiry based Learning and Guided Research) It has 92 709 educational content units and 629 learning activities units. It is a very rich database.
Teachers’ Opinion
The project is really interesting and the repository of resources is quite big. What is very good is the fact that there is a search option to look for resources in different languages and for specific age group of children, additional to the free text search. The repository also offers rating of content, so a teacher can see the top rated activities and see the most recent ones. It is very helpful.
Students’ Opinion
I like the website. It offers much more interesting information about astronomy and cosmos than the information in the textbook. A textbook can never represent the images and visual effects that can be shown in the website.

Comments on this Relevant initiatives

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Date: 2015.04.07

Posted by Miroslav Mirchev (Bulgaria)

I've heard and I've read very many different comments and feedback about the site COSMOS, many people are impressed by the provided information from the site, but the fact that registration is requested for access to further information is an obstacle for those who would like to learn more from this initiative.

Date: 2015.04.06

Posted by Ioanna Dimitrova (Bulgaria)

The project is very interesting and the database is very large. We have no much access to laboratories and this initiative would be useful for us.

Date: 2015.04.06

Posted by Angel Ivanov (Bulgaria)

COSMOS initiative provides extremely useful access to resources, useful not only for students but also for teachers. Our site provides very well selected and useful information on natural sciences. No need to be a lover of science to love this site.

Date: 2015.04.06

Posted by Nikolay Mladenov (Bulgaria)

COSMOS is a very interesting product from which both students and teachers can learn in any science.
In this laboratory learning becomes much more interesting than usual, through pictures, videos, animations, exercises, graphics, and links to additional resources.

Date: 2015.04.06

Posted by David Boychev (Bulgaria)

COSMOS site is a great opportunity for lovers of science (and not only) to learn a lot of new and useful information. Resources that the site offers make it more attractive and interesting for the people who use it. The information is presented in a very interesting and compelling way. No textbook can display images, graphics and animations, as presented on the site.

Date: 2015.04.06

Posted by Aleksander Aleksandrov (Bulgaria)

The project is extremely useful, not only for lovers of science, but for anyone looking for more and newer information. COSMOS site is the right example. Filled with extremely useful information. The fact that it allows searching for resources in other languages, makes it ahead of all other similar sites, limited to one or two languages.

Date: 2015.04.03

Posted by Svetoslav Todorov (Bulgaria)

The site contains a very rich library of information. It can be easily detected with a simple-to-use search engine and largest selection of options in searching. Offers the possibility to search for information in different languages and age groups, which is very useful. Another useful feature is the evaluation of lessons. People can appreciate the corresponding lesson and then it can be easily detected.

Date: 2015.04.03

Posted by Ralitsa Tsibrova (Bulgaria)

COSMOS web site is a very useful portal that provides the necessary information not only students but also teachers. Through it the study of natural sciences becomes much more interesting and fun. The fact that the site contains images, animations, graphics and a variety of video clips, makes it attractive for the audience.

Date: 2015.04.02

Posted by Alex Yanudov (Bulgaria)

I really like the site of the project. The website offers us information about space, which is much more interesting than the information in our textbooks. The pictures and videos, which can see on the site we can not access in their full greatness in the textbooks.

Date: 2015.03.01

Posted by Marieta Condrea (Romania)

The COSMOS project offers an interesting lab which stimulates teaching and learning processes. The online interactive educational material (photos, videos, animations, exercises, graphs, links) and learning activities (structured lesson plans organized according to specific pedagogical models such as inquiry based Learning and Guided Research)make the site a good one.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.