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Date: 2015.10.14
Posted by:
Viera Kolbaska - viera.kolbaska@gmail.com (Slovakia)
Resource as a whole offers suggestion for teaching geometry issues in non-formal background, through the field trip to IKEA style department store. There is a possibility to carry out planning of furnishing of the flat unit, from finalising of bare structure to furnishing of particular rooms. You can design furnishing of individual rooms using department store 3D software (pupil testifies his/her level of spatial perception and digital skills). Information from employees allows for planning of materials needed for finalising of rooms (flooring, tiles, paving, painting, wallpapers and so on), what can help teacher to gain feedback on pupil’s math abilities, communication skills and social competences. At the same time teacher can also investigate level of financial literacy of pupil. One can also trace the spatial imagination of pupil while s/he is furnishing a flat unit. It is a great idea, which can be realised in small groups.
It makes pupil motivated If we conduct learning unit in ordinary life environment – it shows him/her that “it is worthwhile to be able to count”. I save some money if I know how to calculate the floor area, amount of tiles, paves, amount of paint needed. And also if I can “read prices”. Large package is not always sounder option, taken from financial perspective.
Weakness of using this source with pupils of 15 – 19 years at the electrotechnically oriented high school is that pupils would not see the relation with field of their study. It would be more suitable for them to calculate the need of cables for intranet wiring network in company, planning of intelligent house, or planning of effective utilisation of technical support, etc.
Date: 2015.10.06
Posted by:
Maria Deptuła- Chocholska - deptula_chocholski@poczta.onet.pl (Poland)
Lesson very useful in practice. Science geometry is very difficult, and it is useful knowledge in every field. Without a proper understanding of geometry, for example, you can not perform a technical drawing or paint pictures with the perspective.
Date: 2015.10.06
Posted by:
Maria Deptuła- Chocholska - deptula_chocholski@poczta.onet.pl (Poland)
Lesson very useful in practice. Science geometry is very difficult, and it is useful knowledge in every field. Without a proper understanding of geometry, for example, you can not perform a technical drawing or paint pictures with the perspective.
Date: 2015.09.21
Posted by:
Anna Luise - annaluise2@libero.it (Italy)
I find this a very interesting resource for the students starting who are in their first year of high school as this could be a chance to discover the properties of geometric figures by simulating / resolving real problems. In class, I would like to test this practical approach by combining geometry to a minimization of the costs of the project.
Date: 2015.09.07
Posted by:
Marieta Andreeva - mmns70@abv.bg (Bulgaria)
I like that lesson plan a lot. I think it is important on the one hand students to "see" and on the other to do things with their own hands.
I would try this lesson plan for one of my lessons in geometry.
Date: 2015.08.20
Posted by:
Oana Gorea - oana.gorea@euroed.ro (Romania)
Geometry always makes really serious problems between students due to the fact that is very hard to explain something that you need to see in 3D, just with words. Experiments and practice are the most important in understanding the theoretical part of a subject. We all know that we work daily with applied geometry because all of the things that surround us are formed by many geometrical figures. Making problems of geometry requires many hours of work and study because in this field you need to know a sepcialised language.
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