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Date: 2014.11.11
Posted by Katarína Javorová (Slovakia)
This is very interesting and good approach to teach mathematics more attractive, especially when this topic is one of the most not favourite in our slovak schools. It is not only about relaxing but about concrete tools to use maybe drums ou other musical Instruments to show students calculation of numerical expressions with fractions is music and through musical instruments giving some initial information to "see" maths through music. We have in Slovakia maybe 3 or 4 excelent jazz musicians which are in your normal job mathematicians. I will see this web page DOREMAT and try to use this approach in my teaching.
Date: 2014.10.27
Posted by Petru raducanu (Romania)
Music and maths are related: they both work with codes, that is, abstractions.
Some of my students even told me they do their homework having a musical background (Mozart, in most cases); music helps them calm down and it is inspiring if it is not loud.
Date: 2014.10.16
Posted by Miglena Molhova (Bulgaria)
Thank you Massimo and Giovanni for giving more information about the practice. I will use that information to show it as an example at a conference I will take part in for dissemination purposes of the Goerudio project.
Date: 2014.10.16
Posted by Marieta Andreeva (Bulgaria)
I find this practice interesting in general, but for me it completely incomprehensible. I would not use it in my teaching practice, even if it may look interesting for students. I will read the additional information suggested in order to try to understand how this practice is implemented with students.
Date: 2014.10.10
Posted by Giovanni Caruso (Italy)
You can find further information also into the section “Relevant Initiatives” of Goerudio website. The mentioned DOREMAT has been briefly presented at the following link http://goerudio.pixel-online.org/rel-initiatives_scheda.php?art_id=60&tha=&cou=&sct=&lng=&q=
Date: 2014.10.10
Posted by Massimo Amato (Italy)
Dear Miglena
the approach of math and music is a University of Bologna's project and is named "DOREMAT".
You can see image video and photo here:
For any other information contact me.
Best regards
Massimo A.
Date: 2014.10.08
Posted by Miglena Molhova (Bulgaria)
The practice is really interesting and I think it will be very valuable for BG students to "see" maths in this way. I would like to organize a wokshop with teachers and students to present the practice for real. But in order to do that I need some more information about it - more detailed description, video, practical guidelines how to do it step by step, an example of numeric expression with fractions, which can be used. I will be very grateful to receive the information, because I tried to imagine how to do it myself, but I could not. Thank you in advance :)
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