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Date: 2015.10.06
Posted by Maria Deptuła- Chocholska (Polska)
Praca zespołowa jest istotnym elementem "ratowania" się w momencie dużej ilości materiału, ale także bardzo ważnym sposobem na zmotywowanie grupy. Przy podziale zadań zawsze staram się o to by liderzy grup zmieniali się i aby każdy miał możliwość wystąpienia w tej roli. Istotne jest także przekazanie całej klasie zdobytej wiedzy- w zależności od ilości materiału jest to mail albo przesłanie go do "chmury".
Date: 2014.11.09
Posted by Katarína Javorová (Slovakia)
It is an interesting experience, a good idea for teachers. I use group work and laboratory exercises very often during my classes. There are numbers of reasons why, as well as in the experience; the main is to save the time. Chemistry at the elementary school has limited number of lessons (usually it is 1 hour per week, in the 8th grade 2 hours per week). Another reason is that through the group work, pupils will learn much more than when using the frontal or individual learning. I can confirm that group work in classes of Chemistry is very effective, if working groups are properly set up and roles are well-defined. Pupils enjoy working in groups, especially if they have the opportunity to explore something, to do different experiments and to try to find a solution to the problem. Using peer learning students can better understand the subject matter, for them full of new concepts and terms.
Date: 2014.10.29
Posted by Petru Raducanu (Romania)
Excellent idea! Not having enough time is a problem, whose solution can be which group work.
Date: 2014.09.29
Posted by Amparo Viña (Spain)
In the process of learning, teamwork is essential and in certain contexts, such as the example, better results than other methods such as individual work are obtained. Group work can optimize resources, improve student motivation, can be a time saver in this case and helps students to share knowledge and experiences. The workshop chemistry many times do group work, and not for the time savings that may involve but because resources are limited for certain experiments and is the only way to realize them in an appropriate way.
As regards the exchange of information between the different groups, it is desirable and necessary, because the same experiment carried out by two different groups allows to analyze the results from several approaches, and allows distributing the workload among multiple groups.
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