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Date: 2014.10.27
Posted by Zuzana Zuštinová (Sovakia)
I have the same experience with students; that for them the geometry is more difficult than algebra. But there are some students which are better at geometry - drawing. Students´ imagination is weak. They often lack the knowledge about basic geometric shapes. It is important for them to be able to know and imagine the geometric shapes. I think that the usage of the dynamic geometry software is very helpful. This way we can explain more and faster in comparison to the classical teaching. I use it on my lessons too. The results of students have improved.
Date: 2014.10.13
Posted by Zuzana Zuštinová (Slovensko)
Mám tie isté skúsenosti so žiakmi, že pre nich je geometria ťažšia ako algebra. Ale nájdu sa žiaci, ktorým ide viac geometria - rysovanie. Predstavivosť žiakov je slabá. Žiakom často chýbajú vedomosti o základných geometrických útvaroch.
Je dôležité, aby si vedeli predstaviť geometrické útvary.
Myslím, že použitie softvéru dynamickej geometrie nám v tom veľmi pomáha. Je to rýchly spôsob vysvetliť viac ako pri klasickom vyučovaní.
Aj ja ho používam na hodinách. Študijné výsledky žiakov sa zlepšili.
Date: 2014.09.15
Posted by Mariangela Larini (Italy)
I think this experience is relevant because it focuses an important problem in our way of teaching plane or solid geometry : many students often find these subjects difficult, sometime even if they have good marks in algebra. During the first two years of secondary school students who are in some difficulty are also lacking in motivation and they don’t enjoy studying geometry any more.
Helping students to design and visualize correct geometrical constructions is the first step.
I think using technology is a good way to improve students’ attention and motivation towards geometry and it promotes a better knowledge and understanding.
I have had a similar experience using a software of dynamic geometry, both in first and in secondary school. I think it can be useful to construct geometrical objects with everyday materials ( like thin canes or others ) to explore some geometrical properties, for example in figures like parallelogram, rectangle or rhombus. After this “physical” experience many students are able to use programmes with more consciousness.
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