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Date: 2014.10.27
Posted by Arturs (Latvia)
I can agree that nowadays students require diverse approaches of learning.
If aforetime student study group could be divided into subgroups of 2-3 and choose the appropriate program for learning methods, than now the students can be divided into at least 5-6 subgroups, making it very difficult in teacher's job.
It is better to work in groups, with at least 2-3 students, who can be relyed on. Give the opportunity for students to express thamselfes. There are students who are keen on preparing presentations. This does not mean that the group will acquire the necessary knowledge but there can be achieved at least a group activity. It pays off. Best results are achieved when the presentation consists of two people. Then it is easier to tolerate criticism. Here the teacher will have an opportunity to be balanced impartial assessors.
Tests sometimes give unexpected results - sometimes active student receives a lower valuation than as a passive learner.
Therefore, the tests should be diversified.
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