Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Homepage > Experiences > Teachers Experiences


Title of the Experience
We measure the circuits
Name of the teacher
Anna Bańkowska
Country where it took place
School typology
Primary school
Thematic Area
Experience typology
Teaching in class
Type of contact
Description of the Experience
Child as well as adult is learning by doing and direct experiences, therefore when I wanted to introduce the topic of the circuit and method of its calculation I took the children to the school playground. Equipped with scoops we started to search for rectangles. An example was a nearby lawn surrounded by a concrete curb. For a better understanding of the definition of the circuit everybody walked along the curb bearing in mind that he/she is walking along the lawn CIRCUIT. Then, using a ruler we measured what is the length of the circuit. Students have proposed different ways of calculating it. Some added the lengths of each side, others facilitate the calculation by adding two longer and two shorter sides. Some applied multiplication: 2x longer + 2 x shorter. I prepared exercise for consolidation. I divided the class into groups and each of them had a certain time (10 min.) to find a certain object. After completing the task, each group presented how they calculated the circuit of "rectangle". We measured the basketball and football pitches and the circuit of the penalty area of football pitch. After these classes children do not have major problems with the calculation of circuit of rectangles in the form of text tasks as well as in practice in the classroom.

Comments on this Teachers Experience

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Date: 2014.10.09

Posted by Aleksandra Pilc (Poland)

Very good idea. In such a way students can understand the concept of the circuit and it will be easy for them to remember what it is rectangle and its perimeter because they associate it with the lesson outside the class. I noticed that such unusual activities, appealing to the imagination of the students helps them to understand the concepts and remembering their significance. Recently I took the sixth grade into the field near school, and I told them to write as many examples of perpendicular sections, parallel sections, angles, obtuse angles and acute angles. I was surprised by the result of their work. Class, which seems to be weaker, coped superbly, and the class that has better grades, even its best representatives, they had big problems with the transfer of theoretical knowledge on real ground. These classes showed us the students and their skills in a different light. You can learn a lot about them.

Date: 2014.09.29

Posted by Aleksandra Pilc (Polska)

Bardzo fajny pomysł. W taki sposób uczniowie najlepiej zrozumieją pojęcie obwodu i łatwo będzie im sobie przypomnieć co to jest prostokąt i jego obwód bo będą to kojarzyli z lekcją w terenie. Ja zauważyłam, że takie nietypowe zajęcia, obrazowe działanie na wyobraźnię uczniów ułatwia im zrozumienie sobie pewnych pojęć i pamiętanie ich znaczenia. Ostatnio zabrałam szóste klasy na teren obok szkoły i kazałam im wypisać jak najwięcej przykładów odcinków prostopadłych, odcinków równoległych, kątów prostych, kątów rozwartych i kątów ostrych. Byłam zaskoczona efektem ich pracy. klasa, która wydaje się słabsza, poradziła sobie rewelacyjnie, a klasa, która "ocenowo" jest lepsza, nawet jej najlepsi przedstawiciele, mieli duże kłopoty z przeniesieniem wiedzy teoretycznej na grunt rzeczywisty. Takie zajęcia pokazują nam uczniów i ich umiejętności w innym świetle. Można się wiele o nich dowiedzieć.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.