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Date: 2014.11.05
Posted by Sandis (Latvia)
I believe this to be really good method to teach students to consolidate and work in groups. Group work also leads to one very important things - to learning from each other. By working in group, you can analyse the errors to avaid tham in fuure. Described experience don't show the lack of motivation to learn science-related subjects, but instead, a way to motivate them.There is pways a good result when putting students to work practically. If the result is bad, then the question arises why it is so. On the other hand, if the result is good, then you can start to deduce how and what can be done to improve to excellence. All this encourages student to think and rise interest in the subjects. I can add that also I put the students to work in groups in exercises and sometimes even in tests because of all the above positive qualities.
Date: 2014.10.25
Posted by Elza Gheorghiu (Romania)
I couldn't agree more with your ideas. I also believe in project-based learning for different reasons. First of all, students have already tasted its advantages from other subjects: team-work, its lifelike status, providing opportunities to apply theory into practice, to express oneself, etc. Secondly, it promotes learning by doing, which is one of the best ways of learning for lots of students. Thirdly, it gives students the feeling of satisfaction of achieving something on their own.This will increase their self-esteem, which will have a great impact on their development in general.
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