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Date: 2014.11.02
Posted by Massimo Amato (Italy)
The bending and the interference of the light is so important as the difficult to explain they.
So this experience could be very positive for the students, to understand the phenomena and to show them some areas where interference is used to see or verify physics, chemistry, ... laws.
In Italy, near Pisa, there is a laboratory - VIRGO - to try to intercept gravitational waves with the interference of a laser ray (www.ego-gw.it).
Date: 2014.10.21
Posted by Sandro Gomboli (Italia)
The experiment is very interesting for the study of the wave nature of light.
The passage of the beam of light through a slit makes visible the phenomenon of diffraction and the lines of interference projected on the screen show that the light propagates as a wave and the transmitted energy is quantized.
The experience, though only qualitative, induces a reflection by the students on physical phenomena very complex.
The easy availability of necessary materials facilitates easy understanding.
Date: 2014.10.16
Posted by Milena Gosheva (Bulgaria)
The exercise is very good to illustrate the two main phenomena associated with light, such as diffraction and interference. The simplicity of the tests followed by examples in the electronic textbook help students to remember what they have learned. I think this is an applicable experience in physics classes in the 10th grade for Bulgaria.
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