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Date: 2014.09.30
Posted by Paola Falsini (Italy)
I am interested in this experience because it is on the same subject of the one I uploaded (“Introduction of Electrostatics”). I carried out my experience within the first class of upper secondary school. I am interested in the current experience because it deals with the electric phenomena in an original way. Its approach is different from the one I chose: I usually work on the concept of electric charge while here the departing subject is the electric current.
The “Guida all’insegnamento della Fisica” di A.B. Arons (Zanichelli, 1992), al cap. VII, deals with the better way for the students: starting from experiences about the charges or the currents.
Nevertheless even if the experience declares to work with an electrical network (in a easily replicable way), it is not described which kinds of observations and measurements are proposed and, moreover, which questions are done to the students in order to stimulate them.
Is the Ohm’s law introduced before the experimental part of the work or is it “built” together with the students (helping them)?
I faced the same students’ difficulties. I think, for example, that the idea that the electrical resistance depends on voltage comes from the presentation of the mathematic law earlier then the handling of the circuits. On the contrary, the concepts of resistance must be built starting from the experimental work.
This experimental approach is moreover necessary when the target is the low secondary school.
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