Lifelong Learning Programme

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Homepage > Experiences > Teachers Experiences


Title of the Experience
Computer presentation
Name of the teacher
Albena Mushkova
Country where it took place
School typology
High Secondary School
Thematic Area
Experience typology
Teaching in class
Type of contact
Description of the Experience
In the module "Computer Presentation" I work on the following indicative allocation:
Sample topics:
1. Computer presentation /review/.
2. Animation effects in computer presentations /new knowledge/.
3. Inserting objects in a slide /combined/.
4. Exercise – 2 hours /testing/.
Students work on their computer presentation titled "My native-end known and unknown" within several methodical units.
For the successful implementation of lessons in mastering the activities of the module "Computer Presentation" is critical depth and good preparation in advance for the lesson, which includes:
• To review the software functions that students will work in the lessons with;
• To prepare the necessary teaching material for each student/group;
• Prior to start the lesson to load on every computer files prepared to work with;
• To determine the level of knowledge and skills of the students so far, without which it is impossible to master new activity;
• To divide students into small groups.
Until now the students should have mastered the following knowledge and skills in working with computers:
• To be familiar with file structure and tree organization of files;
• To perform basic file operations;
• To create, process and store graphics, text and sound information and to combine it;
• To use computer software for text, graphics, sound and tables processing and their combinations;
• To comply with the requirements for safe operation of a computer system.
In conducting the lessons prepared by the module "Computer Presentation" it is established cross-curricular connection with 6th grade subjects: Bulgarian language, geography, history and mostly module "tourism."
Referring Bulgarian language subject students can:
• recognize and apply grammar rules;
• know the basic elements of the text.
Referring Geography subject students can:
• orientate in unfamiliar environment;
• use better the concept of geographic location.
Referring History concept students can:
• inform about the historical value of the sites;
• explore the history of a site.
Referring "Tourism" module students:
• visited and photographed sights of their native land;
• examined the flora and fauna of the site.
During the implementation in practice of the methodological options I recognise to what extent have developed knowledge and skills of the students that we aim to acquire through monitoring and control of the execution of the tasks.
As a result of the application of the methodological option students are expected to fulfill their main task, namely to establish a computer presentation on a given topic work in small groups through which I inform about the degree of aggregation of commands, rules and technologies for creating and designing of the computer presentation.
Methodological option in Information Technology subject, which I apply for absorption of essential knowledge and skills in the module "Computer presentation", includes three lessons with the following topics:
1. Computer presentation - basic concepts and purpose - review with new topics extension.
2. Animation effects, inserting objects into a slide. Creation of a presentation on a given topic - combined lesson.
3. Exercise on computer presentations - summary lesson.
During teaching of these course units students work on their computer presentation entitled "My Homeland - known and unknown" where leading role in the management of educational content has the good interaction of group members and the completion of the given tasks. Thanks to them they are prepare, implement and consolidate knowledge about the functionality of software for information processing.
The proposed in the methodical options tasks are structured and consistently selected under the themes of the module.
In the selection of practical tasks I am guided by the following requirements:
• To include content already studied and their degree of difficulty to match the level of development of skills of the students and their age characteristics.
• To allow connection with other subjects and to lead to creation of a task situation.
• The successful completion of each task to be a prerequisite for the realization of the next and at the same time to absorb new content and form new skills.
Well structured and attractive tasks motivate students to work and contribute to the realization of their objectives: to create a computer presentation on a given topic while working in small groups.
I keep the ready presentations of students if need to attach.

Comments on this Teachers Experience

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Date: 2015.10.06

Posted by Maria Deptuła- Chocholska (Polska)

Korzystanie z technologii informacyjnych w tym prezentacji jest bardzo motywujące dla uczniów. Programy do prezentacji maja bardzo duży wachlarz efektów, które potrafią uatrakcyjnić nawet pozornie nieciekawe tematy. Moje doświadczenie pokazuje,że tego typu zadania organizowane przez nauczycieli różnych przedmiotów są bardzo rozwijające dla uczniów: pokazują,że wiedza nie ma granic iże praca w małych grupach moze dawać wielkie efekty.

Date: 2014.10.27

Posted by Darina Dolešová (Slovakia)

I think that student creating his/her own presentation is a very interesting aspect in teaching. It imposes great expectations on teacher´s preparation, for her/him to formulate the problem correctly, to provide students with appropriate technical conditions, to specify the method of presenting the task. But for the learners, the information gained in the process of creating the presentation and finding the materials for it are more valuable and easier to remember that the ones offered in textbooks or workbooks. Despite that, students will also come across additional information concerning the subject matter. They can use the knowledge from other subject as well. At the same time students are developing their technical skills and being creative. Working with the computer is always motivating and interesting for students. So far I have only assigned the task to create presentation to individuals. Creating a slideshow by group of students is an inspiration for me and I will certainly try it.

Date: 2014.10.15

Posted by Kamila Pawenta (Poland)

When students are creating a presentation in a group, division of tasks and the right choice of the data are very important. Every student should know which part of the task they will be responsible for and which presentation software will be used. The ability to format slides and choose the right animation are important too. Experiences like that teach students division of tasks and responsiblity for their own work on a project


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.