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Date: 2014.10.24
Posted by Laura Capella (Italy)
Dear Chiara, thank you for your positive evaluation. I planned and proposed this work to a weak class, one you expect that cannot afford a very deep study on a difficult subject. Anyway I think that every kind of class/ student can have an opportunity of better results if stimulated in a proper manner.
Another point was that in our School there aren't a lot of resources to learn more practically some techniques.
Date: 2014.09.30
Posted by Chiara Cheti (Italy)
This experience is relevant because it helps the students to build up their knowledge through traditional and online research. Moreover it aims to provide the students with a methodology based on the sharing and the responsibility.
This experience explains the causes of the lack of motivation towards the study of the scientific subjects. It tries to overcome them with a direct involvement of the students and not having them as spectators.
Many teachers of scientific subjects have, certainly, faced with the low motivation issue. I am used to it. This issue often affects a few number of students, but sometime the teacher deals with an entirely apathetic class. In these last cases it is absolutely necessary to find new communicative strategies. The use of ICT certainly helps to support this scope.
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