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Date: 2014.10.28
Posted by Maria Dojcanova (Slovakia)
Massimo, I totally agree and I share your thoughts. It is very important for students to have opportunity to see and even better, to have opportunity to make an experiment themselves when teaching Physics. This will increase pupils' motivation and interest in the study of Physics.
I do not have the opportunity to do laboratory works with students very often. It is caused by a limited number of Physics lessons given by state education programs. Therefore, I try to do experiments during my lessons and give students opportunities to try the experiment themselves.
Part of my experiments when teaching optical phenomena:
• dispersion of light – I also use small prisms of glass to observe the phenomenon, evidence of the existence of monochromatic light - glass prism and laser (even students actively brought their laser),
• interference of light - children's bubble blower, animation of digital Physics textbook (formation of maxima and minima of the overlapping of two waves with the same frequency),
• diffraction of light - a laser or slit, double slit (we make cut to the black illuminated film of the camera by using one or 2 razors), demonstrations of digital Physics textbook,
• polarization of light - two polarizing filters, samples of light transmittance ...........
I think that the experiences which you are offering for lessons are possible solution of the lack of motivation, because students are coming across Physics phenomena in real life everyday and they will find it easier to remember and explain.
I wish a lot of energy at work.
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