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Name of the organisation: | Connectis srl | ![]() |
Address: | Via Fra' Bartolomeo, 104 - 59100 Prato - Italy | |
Tel: | 0039 0574521034 | |
Fax: | 0039 0574551273 | |
Web site: | www.connectisweb.com |
Name of the contact person: | Riccardo Rossi | ![]() |
Function: | Responsible for customer care and European Projects | |
Address: | Via Fra' Bartolomeo, 104 - 59100 Prato - Italy | |
Tel: | (+39) 0574521034 | |
Fax: | (+39)0574551273 | |
E-mail: | r.rossi@connectisweb.com |
Type of organisation: |
Fields of action: |
Connectis is a SME with a full time staff of 12 people. Connectis was founded in 1999 by a team of professionals with over 10 years of experience in the field of web design and software creation. Connectis’ core activity is the production of e-learning platforms but they also focus on various IT areas: web software development and computer systems, creation and production of multimedia material and computerized advertising graphics. The core business is oriented to the New Technologies based on Internet use and Connectis produces Commercial and educational software for private companies and Public Administration. In the field of European Projects, Connectis has experience in e-learning solutions for ODL, creation of web sites and internet solutions for professional learning. Connectis is also a web agency, for creation and promotion of web solutions for dissemination and all the professional uses. They implement instruments for E-Commerce and E-Business, reserved areas in the web sites, web assistance, graphics creations, and all the solutions for a professional use of the web. Connectis is specialized in web language like HTML, ASP, XML, PHP. |
Connectis has been involved in several project in the last 10 years, basically as technical partner. In the field of this projects we had the task to :
European Projects in the field of Art European Socrates Open and Distance Learning Programme: project “Arte”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project aims to promote the use of distance learning to promote knowledge about contemporary European art. Website: http://www.socrates-arte.net European Socrates Minerva Programme: project “MultimediArt”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project aims to promote the use of multimedia and new technologies in the art creation process. Around 40 art schools from 9 European countries are involved. Website: www.multimediart.net European Life Long Learning Programme Comenius Sub Programme: project “Michelangelo”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project aims to develop a better knowledge of the European Artistic Heritage involving the schools in a research activity. Website: http://michelangelo.pixel-online.org/index.php European Projects in the field of History European Life Long Learning Programme Comenius Sub-Programme: project “Routes”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project involves European Secondary schools studying the Social history of migrations and integration of immigrants into European countries. Website: http://routes.pixel-online.org/info/index.php European Life Long Learning Programme Erasmus Sub-Programme: project “EE-T: Economics e-Translations into and from European Languages: An Online Platform”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project involves European Universities and Higher Education institutions creating a dynamic triangle of knowledge between research, postgraduate education and innovation by promoting the joint application of both ICT tools and the innovative trends of research in the History of Economic Thought (HET) and the study of European Languages for Special Purposes (LSP). European Projects in the field of Science European Life Long Learning Programme KA 1 Subprogramme: project “Chemistry is All Around Us” funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The main aim of the project is to identify of the best strategies to implement Life long Learning of scientific subjects, with a focus on Chemistry identified as an exemplary case study Website: http://www.chemistry-is.eu/ European Life Long Learning Programme Comenius Subprogramme: project “Chemistry is All Around Network” funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The main aim of the project is to disseminate and exploit the best strategies to implement Life long Learning of scientific subjects, with a focus on Chemistry identified as an exemplary case study. European Projects for Schools European Socrates Comenius Programme “Learning Game”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The aim of the project is to implement e-learning solutions and methods in a teaching and learning context that make full use of the interactive and multimedia solutions, therefore including videogames. Website: http://learninggame.pixel-online.org/ European Life Long Learning Programme Comenius Sub-Programme: “School Inclusion”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The main aim of the project is to identify common strategies to combat the phenomenon of school drop out. http://schoolinclusion.pixel-online.org/ European Life Long Learning Programme Comenius Sub Programme: project “School Inclusion”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project aims to develop a training course for school teachers to enhance their skills for the identification and tackling of School Drop Out. Website: http://schoolinclusion.pixel-online.org/ European Life Long Learning Programme KA1 Sub Programme: project “I Am Not Scared”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project aims to develop an European strategy aiming at tackling the phenomenon of school bullying. Website: http://projects.pixel-online.org/iamnotscared/index.php European LLP Leonardo da Vinci T.O.I Programme: project “Stay@School”, funded by the Italian National Agency. The project aims to deliver and transfer a training course for school teachers to enhance their skills for the identification and tackling of School Drop Out.Website: http://schoolinclusion.pixel-online.org/ European LLP Leonardo da Vinci T.O.I Programme: “Play The Learning Game” project, funded by the Spanish National Agency. The aim of the project is to transfer e-learning solutions and methods in a teaching and learning context that make full use of the interactive and multimedia solutions, therefore including videogames. Website: http://learninggame.pixel-online.org/ European Projects in the field of Language Learning European Leonardo da Vinci Programme: project “ELS”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The aim of the project is to create a language training portal for the learning of 4 foreign languages. It is specifically addressed to secretaries and administrative assistants working in businesses and Public and Private bodies. There are 13 project partners from 9 European countries.Website: http://els.pixel-online.org/ Portal: http://www.eurobusinesslanguageskills.net/ European LLP Leonardo da Vinci T.O.I Programme: project “E.L.S. at Work ”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The aim of the project is to transfer the results of the ELS project that was originally addressed mainly to SMEs also to the education systems. Website: http://www.eurobusinesslanguageskills.net/ European Leonardo da Vinci Programme: project “ELSTI ”, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The aim of the project is to create a language training portal for the learning of foreign languages. Website: http://www.elsti.eu/ European Leonardo da Vinci Programme: project: “LeTS” funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The aim of the project is to create a training package addressed to trainers to give them the tools for the development of e-learning based language teaching tools. Website: http://lets.pixel-online.org/ Portal: http://www.leonardo-lets.net European LLP Leonardo da Vinci T.O.I Programme: project LeTS Go funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project Lets Go intends to transfer the products available onto the LeTS portal, aiming to make efficient use of new technologies for language teaching and training, to two additional target groups: school teachers and professional trainers. Website: http://www.leonardo-lets.net/ |
Connectis was involved in several European project that had as their main aim the creation of historic databases. We created and managed databases in many fields about historic topics, for example, the MHM Project and the Routes Project.
Our experience in this kind of projects will be proposed to help all the partners involved in EE-T Project to achieve their aims. |
Connectis will have to carry out the following activities:
REASONS OF INVOLVEMENT IN THE PROJECT | Connectis will assume the role of technical partner in the project and will therefore be responsible for the planning, designing, creation and management of the project website and portal and for managing and customising online platform for the delivery of the training package. Connectis will provide technical management and constant updating of the web site and portal as well as continual technical support throughout all the project's activities. Connectis will also contribute to disseminating the project’s outcomes and will participate in the meetings. |
Riccardo Rossi is graduated in Economic Sciences from the University of Florence in 2000. Since then he has constantly been working in the field of European cooperation.
Riccardo Rossi has been responsible for Connectis as technical partners in many European Projects, has been teacher for Tourist enterprises for the European Leonardo da Vinci Programme: project “FORESTUR, funded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). The project aims to provide continous online training to individuals operating in the rural tourism sector. Website: http://www.forestur.net |
Last Educational Products Comments
Francisco Herenas Ramos - Spain
It's really great to explain the students the ALU and UC using meals to represent the functionality of this computer parts.
This model can help the s......
New comment on the Initiatives "Basics of Central Processing Unit (CPU) functions"
Dissemination Seminar in Florence
31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.