Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Contractual partners

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Name of the organisation: TRANSFER Slovensko, s.r.o.
Address: Hraničná 18, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovakia, SK
Tel: 00421 903 438 447
Web site:
Name of the contact person: Juraj Dubrava
Function: director
Address: Hraničná 18, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovakia, SK
Tel: 00421 903 438 447
Type of organisation:
  • Training
Fields of action:
  • SMEs
  • Universities
  • Public Authorities
TRANSFER Slovensko was founded as private education and consulting company in 1995 and based in Bratislava (Slovakia). TRANSFER's purpose and mission is to provide integradet system of human resources services which include:
  • education and training activities for private international and slovak companies
  • consulting oriented on human resources management systems in companies
  • national education project for companies and public sector financing from european social found
  • international project as Leonardo, Grundtvig, Socrates etc.

TRANSFER has significant experience in following areas:
  • education and training for managers in areas as communication, team building, leadership, time management etc, - our customers are companies as: Volkswagen, Askoll, Kromberg &Schubert, Bekaert, Matador Automotive, Embraco, Delphi, Plastic Omium etc.
  • human resources system as assessment centre, appraisal systems, education systems in companies etc.
  • realisation and management international project and national projects in areas focusing on:
  • new education systems for primary and secondary schools
  • health systems for home care social services
  • sustainability and health protection in SME's
  • blind people
  • women integration
  • new skills for roma women
  • couching for managers and public sector
  • starting business for women
  • employment support for young people
  • integration for immigrants
  • management skills for middle managers, etc.

TRANSFER has a permanent staff of 5 people and a network about 30 external experts and specialists in various areas.
EXPERIENCE OF THE ORGANIZATION IN PREVIOUS EUROPEAN PROJECTS TRANSFER Slovensko have 15 years experiences in European projects. Since 1998 was TRANSFER involved as coordinator or partner in following european projects focused on the following topics:
  1. „Company Economy and Managementt for Senior Managers“- SR 9306/01/01-L-15 – PHARE-1997
  2. „ Development and Management of Human Resources“-SR 9306/01/01-L34– PHARE-1997
  3. „ Zyklische Meisterfortbildung“-SK/98/84005/PI/I.1.1.b/FPC-LDV I -1998
  4. „Industriemeister-Ausbildung (IMA)”- SK/00/B/P/2-142 217-LeonardoII-2000
  5. „ROMIPEN”- 88277-CP-1-2000-1-CZ-GRUNDTVIG-ADU- Grundtvig-2002
  6. „PROBIQ”- A/00/B/S/PP-124.052-LeonardoII-2002
  7. „EINET”- N/01/B/F/PP- 131 069- Network-2004
  8. „E-CHANCE FOR WOMEN”- CZ/02/B/F/PP/134004- LeonardoII-2004
  9. „ETMT”- CZ/02/B/F/PP/134039-LeonardoII-2004
  10. „EDFORSA”- CZ/03/B/F/PP-168014- LeonardoII-2005
  11. „ELS”- I/03/B/F/LA-154168-LeonardoII-2005
  12. „SOCIMMA”- GRU2/2004/03-p-BA-1-Grundtvig-2005
  13. „TUTORING”- FR/04/B/PP1119- Leonardo II-2007
  14. „HALE”- CZ/05/B/F/LA-168009- Leonardo II-2007
  15. „LETS”- I/05/B/F/LA-154099-Leonardo II-2007
  16. „SOCIMMA (II”)- GRU2/200524-p-BA-2-Grundtvig-2006
  17. „Zvýšenie kvalifikácie a adaptability zamestnanacov Embraco”- ITMS (MŠ SR) 11230210078-Euroepan social found
  18. „Vzdelávanie manažérov ŽP, a.s.”- ITMS (MŠ SR) 11230210082- Euroepan social found
  19. „Projekt vzdelávania str. a nižš. managementu v spol. SEWS Slovakia s.r.o.”- Euroepan social found
  20. „YES – Youth Employment Support”- LLP-LdV/TOI/2007/AT/0003- Leonardo - 2007
  21. „ROUTES: Analysis of 20 th European Migration”- 142445-LLP-1-2008-3380/001-001-Comenius - 2008
  22. „Coach in VET”- SK/08/LDV/PART-8340343- Leonardo-Mobility-2008
  23. „Romfashion”- 142 223-LLP-I-2008-GR-Leonardo-LMP – Comenius - 2008
  24. „WINBUS”- 2010-1-TR1-LEO05- 16735-Leonardo - 2010
  25. „HEPPY”- 517927-LLP-2011-IT-Leonardo-LMP- Leonardo-2011
  26. „CHEMISTRY”- 518300-LLP-2011-IT-COMENIUS-CNW- Comenius-2011
  27. „LLL become sustainable”- SK13412 0974- Grundtvig-2013
  28. „Goerudio”- 543223-LLP-1-2013-1-LV-KA4- KA4MP-Transversal activities-2013
EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE OF THE ORGANIZATION IN THE PROJECT’S SUBJECT AREA TRANSFER was involved as a partner in several European projects focusing on science education on a secondary school level, for example: PROBIQ project, the Routes project, Chemistry Is All Around Network, etc.. TRANSFER was partner in all this projects and all were funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme. More information and web site address are available above in the Experience on European Projects section.
CONTRIBUTIONS THAT CAN BE PROVIDED TO THE PROJECT TRANSFER will be in charge of coordinating the activities at national level of the schools involved and all other activities as all documents, workshops all reports which coordinator will need during the project duration. TRANSFER will offer and give participated schools new experiences, information and teaching methods in scientific issues.
TRANSFER will be in charge the project management on national level, the organization, assessment and evaluation issues as well and dissemination and exploitation on national level. These activities will be carried out on the basis of the 15 years experience in the field of TRANSFER and of experience in the field of its director Juraj Dubrava.
REASONS OF INVOLVEMENT IN THE PROJECT Situation in Slovakia is now very interesting because in 2013 Ministry of Education started and implemented big reform in vocational education system especially for vocational secondary schools. Problem in Slovakia is that we have high unemployment rate but for our industry is problem to find educated specialist in fields as machinery, electronic, chemistry, computer etc.
The project is focusing on practical education of scientific issues and more practical oriented education especially as dual education system. Goerudio project can help all participated schools to become in scientific issues new practical education and teaching methods, information about new approaches and information about experiences from partners country.
CONTACT PERSON’S EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE Juraj Dubrava is the director of TRANSFER Slovensko since 1995. He graduated in Political Economy from the Comenius University in Bratislava an 1977. He finished your PhD. on The Institute of Economic Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences in 1988.
Juraj Dubrava is an expert in training for managers and other staff in companies, adult education and Life Long Learning Education and in the planning and management of European projects focusing in particular on the areas of education ad training for various groups and sectors.
So far Juraj Dubrava has been involved as project planner and manager in more than 30 projects funded by the European Commission on national and international level , including universities, public authorities, training organizations, schools, research centres etc.
He is involved as external expert in quality management and external evaluator in European projects mostly funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme.


Dissemination Seminar in Florence

31 October 2015 The seminar has been held in ITIS “A. Meucci” one of the schools involved within Goerudio project activities. Its main aim was to promote the results of the project toward a broad sample of stakeholders even overcrossing the number of people directly involved in the production of project outcomes. This purpose has been totally achieved especially thanks to the participation of students and teachers coming from different schools or from other classes instead of those ones directly involved within the project activities.