"Redooc is a web platform built as a big game online: video lessons, games, stories and exercises divided by levels and complete explanation, starting from daily life to put into practice the concepts more abstract. [...] Our great challenge is to make learning fun, starting with the math."
(Chiara Burberi, founder of Redooc)
The website
https://redooc.com/it/ appears, to those who visit for the first time, colourful, funny and easy to understand, due to its graphics features and the aesthetic and organisational criteria according to them it has been defined and structured. In addition to that, I consider really interesting and winning the idea of presenting different contents (topics and themes divided by type of school and, in accordance with ministry guidelines, in the categories Arithmetic and Algebra, Geometry, Data and Prediction, Relations and Functions) through curious and unusual questions relating to typical situations of daily life, in particular of that of the students. Questions such as: What is the shape of the playgrounds?, How much can you spend on each your friend?, Which grade do you need to take to have the average of 6?, How many pairs of socks you carry in your suitcase?, How do you organize your wardrobe?, How much do you have to save for the trip to Africa?, What is the way to go out of the maze?, How is Valentino Rossi related to the sets?, And what will happen if I intersect Vale races with those of Stoner?, How many beers could your friend Luca drink tonight?, How many invitations can you send to avoid a full house at the disco?, Which is the ideal size of the ice cream cone?, What is the link between WhatsApp contacts and their photos?... are nothing more than a fun and effective device with which the site is able to draw the attention of the student regarding topics (plane geometry, linear equations, mean, powers, monomials, inequalities, systems, geometric transformations, domain/codomain, ...) usually presented in the classroom by teachers in a more serious, formal and abstract way, and, probably for this reasons, also in a more boring way to the boys’ eyes.
Each of these curious questions is showed by the website as a "challenge", and is associated with a video lesson, in which two young male voices describe with a formal language but with informal tones and in a funny way, the theoretical basis of the topic concerning that specific challenge. At the end of the video lesson, the student finds the solution to the challenge. For each video there are some associated exercises, divided into three difficulty levels, with which it is possible to consolidate the contents of the video lesson.
In this regard, a strength of the site consists of the presence of a monitoring and evaluation system. In fact, the registration to the website provides the creation of a user profile, in which the students can check in real time, step by step, the activities carried out, with the relative scores obtained, and then assess their own level of preparation. All the above mentioned features make this site a very interesting tool and in my opinion a very good and effective one from a didactic point of view.
However a great weakness of the Redooc platform should be taken into consideration: the user has to pay a subscription for using it. The single registration allows to fully use materials on the site for only 30 days; expired the probationary period, user who choose not to subscribe, is allowed to see only a small portion of the contents (see the video lessons “Free”). I believe that this aspect strongly limits the applicability of the project in everyday teaching, especially in more difficult and problematic school settings, as that where I teach (Professional Institute). The website is definitely inspired by the commendable belief that we should make the learning of mathematics as simple as possible but then, contradictorily, gives the student an unexpected and, in my opinion, inappropriate difficulty, when it constrain the student to subscribe to work fully with the tools provided by the site.